Is Not A Valid Integer Value Delphi Install

Posted : admin On 14.10.2019
Is Not A Valid Integer Value Delphi Install Rating: 3,5/5 3032 reviews

You can get this problem with TMaskEdit's here's one example which recently caused me a problem, which may relate to yours also. Shot in the dark If you have the mask allowing numbers (including negative numbers) and you have an 'OnChange' event set up to do something like button1.enabled:= (myedit.value null); // some maskedits return a variant, so this might not match your case exactly anyway. The problem can happen if the user types '-' but has not had a chance to put a number after the '-' sign. So the call to 'GetValue' fails and an exception is raised. If this is happening when you are closing a form, try making sure the maskedit's value is cleared, or set to something valid before exiting, or cancel its' changes. As i said, this is just 1 case that can cause this error, and I only bring it up because it happened to me recently.

  1. What Is A Valid Integer

The usage of lines on the memo is wrong: base:= StrToFloat(memCurrentEntry.Linesansipos('^', memCurrentEntry.Lines.Text)-1); the lines.text returns the ENTIRE text, which is not what you want. Instead use some LOCAL variables to hold your lookup values.that way you can set a breakpoint and see whats wrong and use the following method to locate the '^' result:= 0; carrotLine:= memCurrentEntry.Lines.IndexOf('^'); if carrotline 0 then // must be 1 or greater, so a number can be at the 0 position begin base:= TryStrToFloat(MemCurrentEntry.LinescarrotLine-1,0); exponent:= 0; // only try to read the next value if there is one. If memCurrentEntry.Lines.Count = carrotLine then exponent:= TryStrToFloat(MemCurrentEntry.Linescarrotline+1,0); result:= power(base,exponent); end; Note that this code ONLY handles a single ^ in the memo (your code had the same issue), to go beyond this is to use a loop and possibly a state engine or some other parsing logic to handle computations. Easiest way would be to use a stack. The concept of a stack where you push and pop works very well.

Think of it like enter number, press operator pushes number on stack and saves operator. If operator is '=' then look at the operator and pop off the variables, pushing back the result. So 2 + 2 = would pop both 2 entries off (the stack is now empty) perform the addition and push 4 on the stack. Entering then. 2 would pop off the 2 and the 4 from the stack multiply them and place 8 on the stack.

When I click on Delphi the message ' is not a valid integer value appears. On accepting it, the installer window appears, but empty. Any cursor movement, no matter how small, over the lower half of the empty window produces the following message: Access violation at address 004C612C in module install_RADStudio.exe. Read of address. RAD Studio(Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio)をインストールするために install.exeを実行した際、「' is not a valid integer」のエラーが発生. EConvertError with message ')' is not a valid. Suggestions and bugs regarding usage of dbExpress drivers for MySQL in Delphi and. ' is not a valid integer value'.

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Clear of course would clear the stack. – Mar 12 '14 at 18:09. Use StrToFloat is not wrong. If the conversion is failed, user should see an error message. If you want to suppress the error quietly, then you should add a try/except to protect your code.

Is Not A Valid Integer Value Delphi Install

What Is A Valid Integer

Try Value:= StrToFloat(AString); except on EConvertError do Value:= 0; // Fallback to a default value or execute other code logic end; According to your given code example, if the base and the exponent are entered in your given format (first line is the base, second line is a '^' and the third line is the exponent). I'd suggest you write your code as follows: var Numbers: TArray; // Other variables go here begin //. Numbers:= memCurrentEntry.Lines.Text.Split('^'); if Length(Numbers) = 2 then try Base:= StrToFloat(Numbers0); Exponent:= StrToFloat(Numbers1); Result:= Power(Base, Exponent); except on EConvertError do begin ShowMessage(Format('Unable to calculate the formula%s', memCurrentEntry.Lines.Text)); Result:= 0; // Fallback to a default value, such as 0 end; end; //.